[Macpartners] G3 upgrade?

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Tue May 31 18:50:16 EDT 2005

Not worth it. Get a QuickSilver or MDD (worst case a Digital Audio, even dual
proc) G4 on eBay for about the same amount, getting you a G4 and an
open/upgradeable system.


Quoting Scott Ehrlich <scott at MIT.EDU>:

> I am considering a 600 MHz MAChSpeed G4 ZIF CPU Upgrade to my blue and
> white G3.   What are people's experiences with this?   I don't have the
> budget for a new system.  I could get the mini, but the G3 is an open
> system, and the mini costs at least $300 more.
> Thanks for any feedback/insight.
> Scott
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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