(solved) Re: [Macpartners] Mac DVD clarifiation

Scott Ehrlich scott at MIT.EDU
Mon May 30 08:11:23 EDT 2005

Sorry for all the emails about this.   Kerem did reply to this same
question I asked a couple days ago, but I misplaced it, and just
re-discovered it.


On Mon, 30 May 2005, Scott Ehrlich wrote:

> The camcorder video I captured to my Mac via iMovie and converted to
> Quicktime/.MOV has perfect clarity on the Mac during playback.   The
> problem occurred when I used Toast 6 Lite to burn a DVD.  That is where
> the quality suffered.
> So, what I am ultimately looking to do is either:
> - Find the best way to get the .mov files to DVD with NO loss of quality
> - If that cannot be done, find an alternative way to get least-loss
> during the transfer from the camcorder to DVD.
> Thanks.
> Scott
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