[Macpartners] Possible Problem with Mail and 10.3.9

Roger A. Roach rar at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 20 15:12:07 EDT 2005

Since installing 10.3.9 on my Mac (G4 17" Powerbook), I have been 
having some problems with Apple Mail.  About 1 out of 10 times when I 
try to read some mail, it opens a window and then spins its wheel for 
about 30 seconds and then tells me:

The message from XXX concerning “YYY” has not been downloaded from the 
server. You need to take this account online in order to download it.

Trying it again always gets the mail right away.  I'm wondering if this 
may be a problem with the changes made to Mail or with our postoffice 
(I am on PO12).

Anyone else experience this?


Roger A. Roach
Director of I/T Service Emeritus
Information Services & Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room W91-205C
77 Massachusetts Ave.                phone: 617.253.7011
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307          fax:   617.253.1266
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