[Macpartners] Wait on installing Mac OS X 10.3.9

David M Rosenberg rosenberg at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 17 14:05:03 EDT 2005

Before Al sent his note (quoted below) I installed 10.3.9 on a G4 PowerMac
(using the delta updater through Software Update) and on a G5 iMac (using the
standalone combo updater downloaded separately). On the G4, when I run the
command "java -version" in Terminal, I get the response:
java version "1.4.2_05"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-141.4)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-38, mixed mode)

On the G5, when I run the command "java -version" in Terminal, I get the
segmentation fault

The MIT-supported Java SAPGUI for the Macintosh uses an older version of the
Java virtual machine. It works correctly on both my G4 and G5. When I run the
SAPGUI version 6.20 rev 8 and select "About SAPGUI" from thew SAPGUI menu, I
get a dialog box that says (in part):
SAPGUI for Java 6.20 rev 8
(Version ID 062000040800)
Java VM: Apple Computer, Inc. Version 1.3.1
OS: Mac OS X(ppc) Version 10.3.9

/David M Rosenberg          <rosenberg at mit.edu>          1-617-253-8054
MIT / IS&T / Admin Computing / Technical Services

Quoting Albert Willis <awillis at MIT.EDU>:
> Friday night, Apple released Mac OS X 10.3.9. You can read about it at 
> http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/macosxupdate1039.html.
> There are several reports of Java not working. After installing the 
> update, I can confirm that Java no longer works. One way to know if 
> Java is working is to launch Terminal and use the following command: 
> java -version. You should get Java's version information.
> After installing 10.3.9, you get the error message "segmentation fault".
> SAPgui uses Mac OS X's Java runtime environment, so it's likely that 
> SAPgui won't launch after an upgrade to Mac OS X 10.3.9, although I 
> haven't been able to confirm that.
> Given that, I would recommend not upgrading to Mac OS X 10.3.9 at this 
> time. Monday is a holiday in Massachusetts, but not in California; 
> hopefully Apple will fix the updater before Tuesday.
>    -- Al

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