[Macpartners] OS X Canon CanoScan LiDE 80 Color Image Scanner

Gurukarm Khalsa gkkhalsa at MIT.EDU
Tue May 25 09:52:00 EDT 2004

Don, I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by "use OS X for 
setup", but I have a Canon LiDE 30, and it requires you access it 
through Photoshop, for OS X. (In Photoshop: File -> Import -> 
ScanGear [name of scanner softwear/plugin]). This works fine for me, 
so I don't care about that requirement. I've never used it under OS 


At 1:52pm -0400 5/23/04, Don Saklad wrote:
>How do you get the Canon CanoScan LiDE 80 Color Image Scanner
>to use OX X for setup?...
>In attempting to set up the Canon CanoScan LiDE 80 Color Image Scanner
>the setup got the OS 9 Classic Environment going on the 20" iMac.

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