[Macpartners] Password protect office docs.

Susan Midlarsky susanrm at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 30 14:13:09 EST 2004

>In the windows version of office you can password protect a document 
>so that a password is required to open the doc. This ability is not 
>easily apparent in V.X for OS X. Can anyone provide any guidance for 
>accomplishing this on a MAC?

In the Save As... dialogue box, click on Options, and the screen with 
a password to enter will come up. I have successfully exchanged 
password-protected documents with Windoze users.

By the way, Office does have a good Help system built in, so you can 
find answers to questions like these easily.

.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
Susan Midlarsky, Happy Artist
	Aspiring Arts

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