[Macpartners] Re: OS X backup recommendations?

Bryn bryn at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 9 02:24:12 EST 2004

I agree.  Retrospect is the standard.

I'll also mention my husband uses and likes a program called Deja Vu 
for our home machines.  It's inexpensive and seems to work fine.



At 11:56 PM -0500 3/8/04, Albert Willis wrote:
>The gold standard for Macintosh backup has been Retrospect 
>(http://www.dantz.com/en/products/mac_desktop/index.dtml). You can 
>backup whatever way you need to--a ftp server, CDs, DVDs, hard 
>drives and tape drives.
>   -- Al
>On Mar 8, 2004, at 2:06 PM, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:
>>One of my users is interested in backup software for his personal 
>>(non-MIT-owned) Powerbook. Does OS X incorporate a backup function? 
>>Does anyone have any particular recommendations on something 
>>relatively easy to use for a literate (not phobic) user? And 
>>lastly, is TSM available to use in this situation? (presuming he 
>>works out the payment piece with his supervisor and has an account 
>>number to use.)
>>Gurukarm K. Khalsa		MIT Dept. of Biology
>>Computing help in Building 68	biocomp at mit.edu
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