[Macpartners] Retiring MacOS 9 and dependent applications

Deb Bowser bowser at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 30 09:10:00 EDT 2004

Good Morning:

We would like to take this opportunity to remind the Community that MacOS 9 
is retired from full support, today, June 30th, 2004.  We anticipate the 
final transition to MacOS X to occur throughout the Summer months.  In 
support of this transition period, we plan to leave the following software 
available through the month of July.  In August, these software installers 
will be moved to the archive website for one-to-two months depending upon 
Community feedback.  We remain encouraged by the Community's response to 
retire MacOS 9 and dependent applications this Summer.

MacOS 9 specific applications, <http://web.mit.edu/software/>:
  - Adobe reader 6
  - Acrobat Reader 5.1
  - BetterTelnet 2.0
  - BrioQuery
  - Eudora 5.2.3
  - Fetch 4.0.3
  - Kerberos for Mac (KfM) 4.0.3
  - KLPR 2.1.3
  - Mac OS 9 Extras
  - MacDiscuss 1.2
  - MacZephyr 1.3.4
  - MRJ 2.2.5
  - NiftyTelnet SSH  1.1r3
  - Netscape 7.02
  - Oracle 7.3.2 Client
  - Roles 1.01b
  - SAPgui 6.10
  - Stretch Break 4.1
  - tn3270 r.2.2
  - TNSNames Updater 1.0
  - TSM 5.1.5
  - Virex 6.1

Our review identified the discontinuation of support for Mac OS 9 last Fall 
based on the following information:
  - Retirement of this OS has been underway across the industry and we are 
in step with the vendors.
  - All Apple computers sold since January 2002 have had Mac OS X 
factory-set as the default operating system.
  - As of January 2003, all new Macs boot directly into Mac OS X.
  - Mac OS 10.3 became available in October 2003

Should you require any assistance in the upgrade to Mac OS X, we encourage 
you to contact us, Software Release team, <swrt at mit.edu> .
We can direct you to those who can best assist. All requests for assistance 
will be pursued prior to the migration of software listed above.

Keeping pace with current OS and applications benefits everyone, so we 
strive to upgrade users from aging operating systems on equipment with 
sufficient specifications to run the latest operating system.

Additional information to consider while transitioning to MacOS X is 
available at:  <http://itinfo.mit.edu/article?id=6939>, as well as training 
opportunities.  These initiatives align with that goal, and we hope you 
take advantage of resources available to help you.

In closing, our thanks to all IT-Partners who assisted in reviewing vendor 
requirements necessary to set this operating system retirement and planning 
your department's upgrade strategies. Should you have any questions, send 
e-mail to the Software Release team <swrt at mit.edu>, we will review and 
respond, accordingly.

Deb Bowser
Software Release Team

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