[Macpartners] Apple Script

Chris Griffith cg at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 29 16:09:24 EDT 2004

It sounds like you'll have to step through each script in Script 
Editor, examine the error that is cited, and figure out how to fix it. 
Be sure to open the Event Log window (Control menu) and enable all its 
display options. That way, you'll get full information about what is 

Bear in mind that applications can have their own custom AppleScript 
commands. If the failing command belongs to an application's custom, 
then you'll want to refer to the app's AppleScript dictionary to learn 
the new syntax. You can use Script Editor's "Open Dictionary" command 
to view such dictionaries.

For vanilla AppleScript commands, you can refer to the AppleScript 
Language Guide. PDF and HTML versions are available here: 
<http://www.apple.com/applescript/resources/>. I recommend the PDF 
version since Acrobat Reader can search through it quickly.

> Does anyone know a good resource describing just the "massive" changes 
> to AppleScript. Especially useful would be a glossary that listed all 
> deprecated syntax and pointed to the replacement or near replacement 
> syntax?

I'm not aware of any such "glossary" but I can point you at two more 
general sources:

*	Bill Cheeseman's AppleScript Sourcebook site has unofficial release 
notes for AppleScript going back to Mac OS 8:

*	Apple has official release notes for the penultimate AppleScript 
release for 9.2.2, all the way through the current OS X release:

Also, you may find the AppleScript Users mailing list helpful:

-Chris Griffith

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