[Macpartners] Apple Script

Bill McAvinney BMcAvin at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 29 15:19:04 EDT 2004

On Jun 27, 2004, at 11:09 AM, John C. Welch wrote:
> In addition to Al's suggestion of actually showing us the code, keep 
> in mind
> that between 7.6.1 and 9, there were *massive* changes to AppleScript, 
> so
> you're probably going to have to do a good bit of work. If 'save data' 
> is
> how you wrote data to a file back then, (it's been a while since I 
> scripted
> on 7.ANYTHING), I can tell you now, that command changed
> john

Does anyone know a good resource describing just the "massive" changes 
to AppleScript. Especially useful would be a glossary that listed all 
deprecated syntax and pointed to the replacement or near replacement 

All of my AppleScripts (mostly written during OS8) have quit and I've 
been reluctant to try to relearn AppleScript from scratch, and haven't 
found a good transition resource.


Bill McAvinney
MIT > IS&T > AD > Web Services

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