[Macpartners] repair of broken powerbook hinges

naha naha at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 26 16:32:38 EDT 2004

Quoting Nick Knouf <nknouf at MIT.EDU>:

> Hi there,
> A user's powerbook succumbed to the dreadful "broken powerbook hinge" 
> problem.  Rather than send it to apple with a resulting bill of over 
> $1000, I was thinking of sending it to some other repair shop that will 
> replace only the hinges (around $300-400), since the LCD screen is 
> still perfectly functional.  Does anybody have any experience with any 
> repair shops that you would recommend?

I know the feeling.  I have an LCD studio display with what I think is
just a flakey cable, that no one is willing to fix for less than $400.

There used to be a computer fixit shop in the student center, but I think
MIT got rid of it.

I've not used them in a long time, but there's another place that's
done Mac work for me.  Unfortunately I'm drawing a blank on their name
but last I knew they were located at the corner of Beacon and Washington
in Somerville, a bit towards Cambridge from Dali.  My recollection is that
the proprietor's name is Richard Silver.  Anyone else remember the name
of the place?

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