[Macpartners] Mac OS X High Performance Computing (HPC) for Life Sciences seminar

Albert Willis awillis at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 29 15:26:48 EST 2004

“Mac OS X HPC Clustering for Life Sciences”

Apple and the BioTeam invite you to explore the benefits of cluster 
computing hardware and software solutions for the demanding 
computational requirements of modern bioinformatics environments.  This 
event is designed for Life Scientists, Bioinformatics Researchers, Life 
Sciences Software Developers, Life Sciences IT Administrators and Life 
Sciences Business Managers.

Seminar Schedule
Monday, February 2, 2004
8:30 to 11:45 am
N42 Demo Center
211 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA
Registration:  http://seminars.apple.com/goToEvent.html?id=25226

Register today for the session most convenient for you at 
Seats are limited!

High Performance Computing with Apple, featuring The BioTeam.
Bioinformaticists need the most powerful technologies available to 
analyze the ever-growing volume and complexity of genomic data. 
 However, researchers face challenges that include insufficient 
computing resources to perform analyses, unacceptable performance of 
analyses and excessive computing administrative burden.

At this free seminar, Dr. William Van Etten, an esteemed scientist and 
a recognized Life Sciences consultant, will lead a collaboration 
between BioTeam, Inc. and Apple to discuss cost-effective, scalable and 
manageable cluster computing methods for data analysis on Apple’s Mac 
OS X platform.

Joining Dr. Van Etten, in most locations, will be Warner Yuen, Apple 
Research Computing Consultant, presenting on Apple in High Performance 
Computing and the Life Sciences.  The team  will also explore the roles 
of Xserve and Mac OS X Panther in the cluster computing environment.

Participants will learn:
. How to achieve supercomputing power through cluster computing with 
. The benefits of cluster computing
. How to achieve a five-fold performance increase in sequence-searching

Solutions we’ll feature:
. Mac OS X Server
. Xserve
. Platform Computing’s Load-Sharing Facility
. Sun Grid Engine

Please visit www.seminars.apple.com to register for the “Mac OS X HPC 
Clustering for Life Sciences” seminar most convenient for you. 
 Admission is FREE.  Light refreshments will be served, and supporting 
event documentation will be provided to all participants.

Apple, the Apple logo and Mac are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., 
registered in the U.S. and other countries.  Xserve is a trademark of 
Apple Computer, Inc.  Other product and company names mentioned herein 
may be trademarks of their respective companies.
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