[Macpartners] Fun Friday moment - trouble shooting a slot loading 12" powerbook

Aran M. Parillo aran at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 16 11:21:36 EST 2004

I found this worth sharing, I hope you feel the same way.  In  the 
least, it's something to be aware of, especially when dealing with 
slot loading laptops.

Last night I recd. the following "problem" report from a Prof who 
uses the 12" 'Yao-Book'.

"My computer just started making noises like there is loose change 
rolling around in it when I move it....I backed up the hard drive 
completely ...can you possibly help me with this when you get in 

So I'm thinking something may have jarred loose, I check the user 
accessible RAM, it's fully seated, not going anywhere. I pop off the 
battery, nothing visible under there.  I start counting screws I'll 
need to pop off the back cover and while doing so, tilt the upside 
down computer to the left and a lo, a quarter slides out of the CD 
slot!  :-)

Now that's one user who can accurately describe their problem, huh?


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