[Macpartners] Fwd: Upcoming IAP events...

Ginny Williams ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Sat Jan 10 09:50:12 EST 2004

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X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
To: MIT OS X Help Help <macosx-help at mit.edu>
From: Eric Zelman <zelman at apple.com>
Subject: Upcoming IAP events...
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 08:59:30 -0500
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Cold? Don't fret- IAP Mac seminars will keep you warm! (ok, enough of 
the silly headers)

What's new in Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther"?
Eric Zelman , Apple
Fri Jan 16, 09-11:00am, N42 Demo Center


Join Apple Systems Engineer Eric Zelman for a review of some of Mac 
OS X 10.3's eye-catching new features- Finder, Exposé, iChat AV, Fast 
User Switching, enhanced Windows support, enhanced X11 support, 
PostScript and PDF printing improvements, Kerberos support in Mail, 
AFP, SMB and SSH, support for single sign-on and more.

Moving to Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" from another UNIX OS
Brian Jepson, O'Reilly
Mon Jan 26, 02-05:00pm, N42 Demo Center


You're considering moving to Mac OS X from another UNIX platform, but 
you're concerned that this will involve arcane Mac OS X knowledge to 
migrate applications like MySQL, Perl scripts and user directories. 
Join O'Reilly editor Brian Jepson (co-author of "Mac OS X for UNIX 
Geeks") as he reviews critical components of OS X that differ from 
Linux, BSD and Solaris and demystifies migration to Mac OS X.

Eric Zelman
Systems Engineer
68 Mt. Hope Ave.
Providence, RI 02906

zelman at apple.com

AppleCare Support
Apple Higher Education
Apple Store for Education

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