[Macpartners] sharing printers between Mac and PC

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 3 23:44:49 EST 2004

Maybe if you can elaborate on the 'instructions', we might be able to help more.
It's impossible to guess without further details. Type/model of printer, how
they are connected, etc. would also be useful.


Quoting Thomas Sheridan <sheridan at MIT.EDU>:

> >  I attempting to share two HP printers between a Mac G4 10.2.8 (to 
> >which they are connected and work fine) and a PC (XP) that currently 
> >works with the Mac on a router LAN.
> >
> I have followed all the instructions in the Mac to share printers, 
> and those on the PC to add printers connected through a network. But 
> printing from the PC does not work.
> Has anyone tried this or have suggestions?
> Tom
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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