[Macpartners] G5 Power Book- Boot problem

John C. Welch jwelch at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 31 11:21:41 EDT 2004

On 8/31/04 9:08 AM, "Stephen Goldman" <sgoldman at MIT.EDU> wrote:

>          Request your opinions Mac OS X.3.2 G5 laptop problem. I'm not on
> site and his is a high profile customer for our team.
>          I suggested to see if the machine can be started from a boot disk
> for now. Is there a rebuild function with this OS. IF there is this option
> will the data stay intact?

It's not a G5 PowerBook ;-), not unless you have mad monster connections to

Boot in verbose (read, lots of explanatory text), and see:

A) Can you even get into that mode
B) What is the boot stopping on?

Letting DiskWarrior have a whack at it could help too.


"The 2nd French Foreign Legion Parachute Regiment was in-country, and they
would have come to help us. If you get in the Legion's way, doom on you."
- The Sharp End, a Canadian paratrooper discussing UN ops in Rwanda

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