[Macpartners] Multi Audio streams with >2 Airport Express'?

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 6 12:25:41 EDT 2004

Not having used or played with an AirPort Express box yet, I presume they still
adhere to WiFi standards being 802.11b (or g?) devices. That should mean you
could set up two separate wireless networks (separate SSIDs) and associate the
different Macs with those networks; they should then be able to send the music

This of course means, you'll need to be smart about WAN or Internet access if
WiFi is also how the machines in question connect to the Internet. You could
theoretically put both AirPort Express boxes behind a connection-sharing device
like a router, but this would probably result in double-NATting (can you
configure the AirPort Express as purely a bridge/AP and still stream music to
it?). If the latter isn't possible, than you could use a hub or switch at your
cable modem and get two IPs from your ISP per AirPort Express box.

This is condensed, so ask if you want more specifics.


Quoting "Joshua S. Weisbuch" <jsw at pobox.com>:

> Question:
> Does anyone know if you have two users and 2 Airport Expresses set up 
> to two separate sets of speakers can each user send their own 
> Airtunes to different sets of speakers?   I have a client who wants 
> to install a few of the Airport expresses and allow her husband and 
> daughter to use their own macs.
> I do not have an Express yet, but I figured a bmac'r would know.
> Thanks in advance
> josh
> -- 
> Joshua S. Weisbuch
> jsw at pobox.com
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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