[Macpartners] Fwd: Apple Training at UCONN
Ginny Williams
ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 30 15:36:32 EDT 2004
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X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:39:37 -0400 (EDT)
To: ginnyw at mit.edu
From: NERCOMP <ldimauro at wesleyan.edu>
Subject: Apple Training at UCONN
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We wanted to pass along information on Apple Training that is being
offered at UCONN. This is not sponsored by NERCOMP.
Once again Apple training is being offered at UConn. This is a great
location with state of the art facilities. Because of the deal UCONN
has worked out with Apple you are able to sign up for these classes
at a significant discount! This is Apple certified training.
Please use the link below to see which classes are being offered and pricing.
Registration is also on this page and payment methods are described.
The UConn Co-Op can accept PO's or credit cards (as well as cash)
Please tell your friends & colleagues whether they are in education or not.
Questions concerning course content or Mac OSX certification should
be directed to Dave Palaniuk, Account Manager at Apple
(dave at apple.com or phone 408-974-3071).
--- end forwarded text
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