[Macpartners] WebConferencing question

Stan Diamond stan at broad.mit.edu
Tue Apr 27 12:08:19 EDT 2004

There is also a Marratech conferencing server at Harvard that our Apple 
rep Jay McSweeney jaym at apple.com can give you access to for eval 


On Apr 27, 2004, at 11:56 AM, William Litant wrote:

> Ginny:
> We've been experimenting with Marratech for conferencing with our 
> partners in Sweden and the UK and are very pleased with the results. 
> Check it out at http://www.marratech.com/ and let me know if you have 
> any questions about it.
> Best,
> Bill Litant
> At 10:58 -0400 4/27/04, Ginny Williams wrote:
> Hello!
>  We're putting together a comparison of several video conferencing 
> solutions, and I was wondering if any of you could comment on any of 
> the following or if you have other suggestions (there seem to be lots 
> of products out there).
>  Have you used them, on what platforms, what were your experiences 
> like, what were the costs, do you continue to use one over the others, 
> etc?
>  The current list includes:
>  Webex
>  MS Live Meeting
>  cast:stream
>  (others you have used)
>  You can reply directly to me or to the list.
>  Thanks for your input!
>  ginny
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> Every time I fly and am forced to remove my shoes, I'm grateful 
> Richard Reid is not known as the Underwear Bomber.
> - Douglas Manuel
> William T.G. Litant
>  Director of Collaborator Development, International CDIO Initiative
>  Communications Director, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
>  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>  77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
>  Cambridge, MA 02139
>  wlitant at mit.edu
> (617) 253-1564
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Stan Diamond
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