[Macpartners] "Mac OS X for Unix Geeks" seminar in 26-100 on Saturday, 24-Apr-2004

David M Rosenberg rosenberg at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 18 13:07:57 EDT 2004

I'd like to call your attention to a full day seminar on "Mac OS X for
Unix Geeks" being presented by the Greater Boston Chapter of the
Association for Computing Machinery (GBC/ACM) in MIT room 26-100 this
Saturday, 24-Apr-2004. The fee is only $90 for the full day.

Full disclosure notice: I am a volunteer in the GBC/ACM.

/David M Rosenberg         <rosenberg at mit.edu>         1-617-253-8054

GBC/ACM Professional Development Seminars for Spring, 2004
<http://www.gbcacm.org>    or    (781) 862-1181

"Mac OS X for Unix Geeks" with Brian Jepson and Ernest Rothman
Saturday April 24, 2004 at MIT room 26-100

Under the classy Mac OS X user interface lurks a powerful Unix system.
Although this makes it easier for seasoned Unix users to approach Mac
OS X, there are some differences that are both frustrating and
delightful. We will cover the advanced aspects of Mac OS X's BSD
personality, focus on Mac-specific details that make it subtly
different from other Unix systems, the use of Open Source
applications, and Scientific Computing.

Who Should Attend
Unix users making the switch to Mac OS X, and Mac OS X users who have
no prior Unix experience but want to explore the power of Mac OS X's
Unix foundation. Also, Macintosh systems administrators who want a
deeper understanding of Mac OS X's Unix personality.
Seminar Topics

* Customizing the Terminal and Shell
* File system view from Finder vs. Unix Shell
* Compiling Open Source applications with Fink and DarwinPorts
* Secure remote access, using SSH, X11, and VNC
* Mac OS X for scientific computing
* Available hardware and software
* High and low profile examples
* Role of X11
* Challenges and opportunities
* Online resources

Brian Jepson is an O'Reilly editor, programmer, and co-author of Mac
OS X Panther for Unix Geeks and Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther.
He's also a volunteer system administrator for AS220
(http://www.as220.org), a non-profit arts center in Providence, Rhode
Island, which gives artists uncensored and unjuried forums for their
work. These forums include galleries, performance space, and

Ernest E. Rothman is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Chair
of the Mathematical Sciences Department at Salve Regina University
(SRU) in Newport, Rhode Island.  He has published in the SIAM Journal
on Numerical Analysis and is a co-author of Mac OS X Panther for Unix
Geeks.  Ernie holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Brown

Session Chair:  Edward Freedman (Edward.Freedman at acm.org)

Seminar Book Offers:
Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
by: Brian Jepson, Ernest E. Rothman
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
List: $24.95; PDS Price: $15.00

Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther
by: Dave Taylor, Brian Jepson
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
List: $19.95; PDS Price: $15.00

Running Mac OS X Panther
by: James Duncan Davidson
Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
List: $39.95; PDS Price: $25.00

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Refer to the registration form below for pricing information.
It is too late to mail in the form for registration.
Instead, please register on-line at <http://www.gbcacm.org>

|                    Spring 2004 PDS REGISTRATION                      |
| Name:                                                                |
|                                                                      |
| Employer:                                                            |
|                                                                      |
| Preferred Mailing Address:      Home       Work                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
| City:                             State:           Zip:              |
|                                                                      |
| Preferred Phone:    Home     Work                                    |
|                                                                      |
| e-mail:                                                              |
|                                                                      |
| Restrict use of my name to:     ACM     Prof. Soc.       GBC/ACM     |
| Seminar                                   Advanced    Walk           |
|           Book Titles                   Registration   In     Amount |
| Using, Extending and Teaching Eclipse      |  $80  |  $90  |         |
| (13-Mar-2004)                              |---------------|---------|
|                                            |               |         |
|       (Book) The Java Developer's          |      $35      |         |
|              Guide to Eclipse              |               |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) Contributing to Eclipse:      |               |         |
|              Principles, Patterns,         |      $35      |         |
|              and Plug-Ins                  |               |         |
| Mac OS X for Unix Geeks (24-Apr-2004)      |  $80  |  $90  |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) Mac OS X Panther              |      $15      |         |
|              for Unix Geeks                |               |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) Learning Unix for             |      $15      |         |
|              Mac OS X Panther              |               |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) Running Mac OS X Panther      |      $25      |         |
| Scalable Vector Graphics (1-May-2004)      |  $80  |  $90  |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) SVG Essentials                |      $25      |         |
|                                            |---------------|---------|
|       (Book) SVG Unleashed                 |      $35      |         |
| GBC ID # (required or $10 fee must be paid)     | $10      |         |
|                                                 |          |         |
|                                                 |          |         |
| International ACM #                             |  Grand   |         |
| (If you are a member)                           |  Total   |         |

Register online at <http://www.gbcacm.org> and pay by credit card.

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General Information

 8:30am -  9:00am   Registration
 9:00am - 12:15pm   Morning session (break ~ 10:30am)
12:15pm -  1:30pm   Lunch (provided on-site)
 1:30pm -  4:30pm   Afternoon session (break ~ 2:30pm)
 5:30pm -  7:30pm   Optional Dinner with Speaker (self pay)

Registration Fees
Seminar materials, lunch, and refreshments are included in the $80
fee. Registrants not current members of the GBC/ACM are charged an
additional $10, and become members of the chapter for a year.  This is
distinct from ACM membership.  Surcharge for on-site registration is
$10.  Purchase orders, faxes and e-mail cannot be accepted. Credit
Cards will only be accepted if you register online at:

Enrollment is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.  Early
registration must be made by a check or money order by mail, or by
credit card online, at least three weeks in advance of the seminar, to
receive confirmation from GBC/ACM.

Cancellation & Refund Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing.  The full seminar fee will
be refunded if the PDS Registrar receives written notification before
the start of the seminar, addressed to:

                          PO Box 465
                          Lexington MA 02420-0005

Refund requests received after the seminar date will be subject to a
$15 administrative fee.  The $10 membership fee will not be refunded.

If the books are not available at the time of the seminar, the amount
prepaid for the book will be courteously refunded.

For questions, see: <http://www.gbcacm.org> or call: (781) 862-1181

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