[Macpartners] iTunes Music Library issues

Dante Roulette dante at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 17 23:04:21 EST 2003

Alas, not completely.  I think I have a partial explanation.
And yes, I did have that preference checked.

I noticed I had a version3 and version4 copy of the music
library.  It seems everything that was in my music library
from version3 was duplicated when i upgraded to version4.
It looks like it happened again when I went from 4 to 4.1.
Course, this is not a complete explanation.

I still do not know why it happened.  But, as I am recovering
from FileVault killing my home directory, it's not a big deal.


On Nov 17, 2003, at 9:11 PM, Chris Griffith wrote:

> Might it have something to do with this preference setting?
> iTunes menu -> Preferences -> Advanced -> "Copy files to iTunes Music 
> folder when adding to library"
> -Chris
> On Monday, November 17, 2003, at 06:25  PM, Dante Roulette wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone noticed iTunes duplicating song files?
>> I've noticed a lot of my song files are duplicated.  It's
>> getting a bit annoying as it takes up a lot of space.
>> Can't seem to find a pattern ... yet.
>> Thanks,
>> -Dante.
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