[Macpartners] Transferring email from Mail to Eudora

Marshall Vale mjv at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 17 13:29:42 EST 2003

Hi Stephen,

>	Is there a good way to transfer email messages from Mail to 
>Eudora.  I was thinking of switching back to use Kerberos (and to be 
>on a supported program) but without being able to transfer my old 
>messages I can't do it.  I asked this a while ago and there was no 
>easy way but I am wondering if a simple transfer program has been 

A quick search on VersionTracker did not reveal any helpful tools. 
However, I can think of two approaches to the problem.

The first and perhaps easiest solution is to use IMAP mailboxes to 
move the mail around. Move local mail into new IMAP located mailboxes 
from within Mail.app. Then from Eudora, open up the IMAP mailboxes 
and move them over to local mailboxes. That will preserve some of the 
flags such as replied, read, etc. The quotas on the servers are 
fairly large so even if you have a large amount of mail, you can do 
fairly large sized chunks. You just want to do this with a fast 
network connection.

The second way is to do it locally on your computer. If you're handy 
with a variety of scripting tools, you may even be able to automate 

To convert the Mail.app mailbox, first find the mailboxname.mbox 
file. Then use the Finder contextual menu to "Show Package Contents" 
or cd into it from the Terminal. You'll find the plainly named "mbox" 
file within it. Copy that file somewhere else and give it a more 
descriptive name. Next you need to convert line endings of the copied 
mbox file from UNIX to Mac. Use BBEdit, emacs or some other tool to 
do that. Then move the converted file into the Eudora Folder/Mail/ 
directory and launch Eudora.

>	On another note, is anyone having any trouble with Eudora 
>5.2.3 and Panther?

Eudora 6.0.1 is the first version that Qualcomm is officially 
qualifying for Panther. You can avoid the two major problem areas 
that prior versions of Eudora have with Panther by avoiding the ESP 
feature and if you have crashes when sending e-mail, turn off "Use 
mail exchange records" under the Hosts setting.


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