[Macpartners] Help with Carbon Copy Cloner

Kerem B Limon kerem.limon at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 12 18:12:31 EST 2003

Although CCC is more *efficient*, you can use Apple's own Disk Copy to 
clone volumes, such as your system drive. You can certainly do this from a 
disk image to a partition/volume, and I presume you should be able to do it 
from an existing volume to another. I will have to look up the menus, etc. 
to get the details, but I've done this many times for testing purposes and 
restoring clean images.


At 03/11/12 13:17  Wednesday, David Schloerb wrote:
>I have a new G4 desktop power mac running OS 10.2.8 with two internal hard
>disks. I would like to set it up so that the second drive is an identical
>back up of the startup drive and I am looking into using Carbon Copy Cloner
>for this purpose.  CCC (v2.2) with psync installed did create a bootable
>clone of my startup drive on the second drive, but the icon
>arrangements/view options for all of the folders changed.
>My questions are as follows:
>1) Do I just need to live with the view being different or is there some
>way to copy the folders exactly?
>2) If it isn't possible to copy everything to the clone, what other
>information gets lost in the process? Application preferences? Browser
>bookmarks? Why isn't it possible to make an exact copy?
>3) Can anybody suggest a better way to do this type of routine backup?
>The MIT computer help desk tells me that CCC should work the way I want it
>to, but they can't help me (except to suggest posting my questions to this
>list) because they don't support CCC. At their suggestion, I already posted
>a similar message to the Bombich troubleshooting site on 10/14/03. Over 150
>people have looked at that so far, but no one has responded.
>Please help!
>Macpartners mailing list
>Macpartners at mit.edu
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