[Macpartners] Mail app problem?

Stan Diamond stan at broad.mit.edu
Wed Nov 5 11:22:08 EST 2003

This question relates to panther

I just noticed that when I copy a row of cells from and excel 
spreadsheet, and paste it into the body of an e-mail message, it 
automatically becomes a tiff attachment. This effectively breaks cross 
platform compatibility since for example netscape mail on windows XP 
will not display the information and the tiffs cannot be opened even 
with windows photoshop.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and what can be done 
to circumvent it?


Stan Diamond
Team Leader for Desktop Support
Broad/MIT Center for Genome Research
320 Charles Street - Cambridge, MA  02141-2023
mailto:stan at broad.mit.edu
fax: +1 617 258 0903 	voice: +1 617 452 4817

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