[Macpartners] swapped dvd-rom drive in ibook

Michael Chen mike4506 at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 7 21:15:28 EST 2003

I just finished swapping my ibook's dvd-rom drive with a replacement I 
got on ebay for about 40 bucks. Everything works normally except 
there's there's a bit more vibration when the drive is spinning. 
Overall I am quite happy with how things are. The hardest part of the 
whole process was definitely getting the bottom case off. It was 
snapped on pretty tight.

Thanks again to all those who gave their help.

Btw, I have panther installed now and ichat is acting weird. If I'm 
connected to the net, ichat starts then quits automatically after a few 
seconds. no error message, nothing. But if I unplug my ethernet cable 
or turn off airport, it launches without any problem. I was wondering 
if anyone else has had that problem.


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