[Macpartners] office mac 2001 - word - 'full' dictionary issue

George Kokkinogenis george at wi.mit.edu
Thu Jun 26 14:41:23 EDT 2003

Hello Aran, 

Encountered similar problem with MS Office 2001. Move /system/preff/ms to
the desktop of trash. Delete MS Office Prefs from /system/preffs
Restart office again. This should reset and get rid of any bad preffs that
are causing the problem. Once this starts, navigate to the custom


> Hi,
> I'm dealing w/an mac classic office 2001 install with an inability to
> save/create a custom dictionary.  In short, word spell check is
> working, however when we go to add a word to the custom dictionary,
> it kicks back "dictionary is full".  Some more background.
> 1. dictionary is 0 length.
> 2. created new dictionary, same error.
> 3. relocated current/new dictionary outside of system>prefs>ms no go.
> 4. reinstalled spell check components.
> 5. searched MS KB found articles about the issue for Win machines,
> yet found no mac related hits with same keywords.
> So, what other files should I whack around to get this thing working!
> For the most part, the mac performs w/o issue.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance, stay cool!!!
> -amp
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