[Macpartners] opensAFS with alexei's permission patch

Susan Midlarsky susanrm at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 25 17:09:50 EDT 2003

At 4:29 PM -0400 6/25/03, dskincaid wrote:
>i've a link to the patch... but ugh, i don;t want to have to rebuild 
>openAFS with the patch...

There is a link to the compiled version with patches. Again, I don't 
have it, John Welch sent it to me by chat, and unfortunately I can't 
locate the chat log with the link. Are you in a hurry for it? If so, 
you may be able to search the openafs archives for the link 
https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/ , or ask someone on 
one of the lists.


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