[Macpartners] Apple User Group Offers - July 2003

Ginny Williams ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 29 13:42:32 EDT 2003



These special offers are brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory
Board. You must be a current user group member to qualify for these
savings. Not a member? Join a user group today and take advantage of
all the benefits of membership.


1] - MacPlay

As a special offer to all MUGs and MUG members, Macplay is offering 30
percent off of any order placed on their site until October 31. Save on
great products like Aliens Vs Predator 2, Enigmo and the Pressit CD
Labeling Kit. They will also be giving away a pair of JBL Invader series
speakers in July and August to a lucky MUG member who purchases from
the site.

Come and experience the most exciting software sale ever at:


     Use discount code: mug2003

This worldwide offer expires October 31, 2003. *For MUG Members ONLY*


2] - ThinkFree Office

A Compelling Alternative to Microsoft Office for Just $39.95 (US)

ThinkFree Office is a full-featured productivity suite that includes
word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications. Its
powerful yet easy-to-use applications can seamlessly open, edit, and
save directly to their corresponding Microsoft Office file formats like
.doc, .xls, and .ppt.

Normal price: $49.95 (US) (download)
UG price: $39.95 (US) (download)

To purchase ThinkFree Office, visit their MUG user group website at:


For more information, email usergroups at thinkfree.com.

This worldwide offer expires December 31, 2003. *For MUG Members ONLY*


3] - PhotoSpin

Free Images and Discounts for Mac User Group Members

PhotoSpin is pleased to offer a free Featured Image of the Week
subscription for user group members. This program provides you with a
new PhotoSpin image each week in both high and low resolutions. Each
image is a $49.95 (US) value and is ideal for print and presentation

User group members may also subscribe to PhotoSpin's Professional
subscription for $199 (US) --- regularly $249 (US).

Take advantage of the free images and check out the discounts.

PhotoSpin Contact: Denise Davert, 310.265.1313, ext 15 or
denise at photospin.com


This worldwide offer expires December 31, 2003. *For MUG Members ONLY*


4] - Aladdin Systems

Aladdin Systems announces three new releases, all with great worldwide
user group discounts that never expire! Internet Cleanup 1.0 puts you in
control by removing spyware and providing selective banner ad and pop-up
blocking. Ten for X Utilities Volume 2, a $170 (US) value, delivers
eleven cool OS X utilities that help you block spam and much more.
Spring Cleaning 6.0 has many improvements that make it easier than ever
to sweep away clutter to regain disk space and boost performance.

Get 40 percent off retail price by going to:


In the "discount code" box, enter "UserGroup" then hit "apply".

These ongoing offers are available worldwide. *For MUG members ONLY*


5] - Workstrip 3.0

WorkStrip is an advanced alternative to the Dock that floats above your
desktop and provides a host of intuitive features:

- Multiple "Workspaces" to keep project-related items in order
- Instant file previews without loading an application
- Advanced tracking of applications, documents & web sites
- Panel views of recent files and folders
- Global management of all open document windows across all applications
- Fast and configurable keyboard navigation

Softchaos Ltd offers user group members a 25 percent discount off the
download price of $37 (US). For further details, go to:


This worldwide offer applies only to electronic sales, and expires
October 31, 2003. *For MUG members ONLY.*


6] - The MUG Store

Have you shopped at the MUG Store lately? Have you made sure all your
members pay a visit? The MUG Store always has great deals on a variety
of Mac equipment, but this month they have a particularly large
selection of super deals on factory refurbished Macs, as well as deals
on everything from the new G5 systems to eMacs and iMacs at closeout

Remember that every time one of your members buys from the MUG Store,
your group gets points toward anything the MUG Store sells. It's a
win/win deal!



     7/1/2003- 9/30/2003  User ID: apple / Password: music

This offer is available to members of U.S. user groups.


A complete list of all deals currently in effect can be found at:



Elsa Travisano, Editor
Apple User Group Advisory Board
ugbeditor at mac.com

Lorene S Romero, Vendor Relations
Apple User Group Advisory Board
vendorqueen at mac.com

Jeff Mosqueda, Publisher
usergroups at apple.com

Get involved. Join a user group near you.

Subscribe to one or all of Apple's free newsletters:


Information about third-party offers and promotions was provided to
Apple by the third party, and Apple is providing this information as
a courtesy and makes no representations and disclaims any liability
regarding offers and promotions.  Please direct questions about an offer
or promotion directly to the appropriate third party.

Copyright 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple permits
reproduction of the contents of Apple User Group Bulletin for publicity
and promotional purposes.

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