[Macpartners] web sharing question

Sean Brown smbrown at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 10 12:37:34 EST 2003

You'll need to allow the symlinks option in the section of the apache 
httpd.conf configuration file that governs your Sites folder/directory.

see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/en/mod/core.html#options for more 

On Dec 10, 2003, at 12:19 PM, Matthew Walter wrote:

> 	I am running panther and have web sharing enabled. I am able to 
> download any file that I place directly in the "Sites" folder (or a 
> subfolder) but cannot access files outside this folder to which I have 
> created a symbolic link in "Sites". I get a "permission denied" error 
> and have tried varying the permissions on both the symbolic link as 
> well as the actual files, but without any luck. I was hoping that 
> someone might have a suggestion.

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