[lookit-research] April Newsletter

Aaron Beckner agbeckner at ucdavis.edu
Thu Apr 22 12:15:20 EDT 2021

Lookit Newsletter

April 2020


This short newsletter is intended for all the researchers using Lookit to
get a quick overview and update about current activity in Lookit. If you
have comments, suggestions, or announcements for future newsletter content,
please let us know. You can Slack or email Mark Sheshkin or Aaron Beckner (
msheskin at mit.edu or agbeckner at ucdavis.edu).

This Month’s Action Item

In each newsletter, we will highlight an “action item” you can take to
contribute to the Lookit community. This time, it is a request for anyone
who is coding videos, especially those collected from webcams. If you have
coded videos, please take the 5-minute survey at this link

Studies Requesting Peer Review

As this newsletter is being released, there are multiple studies that need
peer review including those in the below table. You can click on “Preview”
to see the study and “Feedback” for the survey to fill out. The “Slack”
link goes to the conversation about it in Slack, which you can also easily
find by looking at the “researchers” channel (please add a comment in Slack
after you have reviewed a study).

Snap, Hop, Whistle!



Slack <https://lookit-mit.slack.com/archives/CESBS2DC6/p1618357921054700>

Choosing Toys.


Feedback <https://forms.gle/V9V2fH9JLpFazUaQ8>

Slack <https://lookit-mit.slack.com/archives/CESBS2DC6/p1618531494063200>

Learning words from speech streams


Feedback <https://forms.gle/LdCpEy8H2gHsEMF76>

Slack <https://lookit-mit.slack.com/archives/CESBS2DC6/p1618690454071100>

Learning to look at faces



Slack <https://lookit-mit.slack.com/archives/CESBS2DC6/p1618968643076700>


We recently hired a new software engineer, Christopher (CJ) Green, and
we’re excited for him to join our team on Lookit. CJ is getting up to speed
with the platform and will be tackling various projects. One of these
projects includes setting up a system that will allow parents to filter
studies by age and eligibility. Now that Lookit has more than 40 studies
that are active and public, the goal of this project is to make study
participation more straightforward and accessible for parents - and set a
foundation for eventually supporting studies run outside Lookit’s
experiment runner.

Recent Research

Laboratories have been using the platform to conduct some exciting research
that has been presented in various settings. The Society for Research in
Child Development Biennial Meeting was this month and there were several
posters and paper symposium reporting results from data collected on lookit.

Beckner, A.G., Voss, A.T., Oakes, L.M., Casasola, M. (April, 2021).
Assessing the robustness of the mental rotation change detection procedure:
the importance of task and context. In symposium: Infants’ learning about
object properties and categories in diverse environments. Symposium
conducted at the biennial Society for Research in Child Development

Bochynska, A., Scott, K., and Dillon, M. (2021, April). Bringing home Baby
Euclid: Evaluating infants’ basic shape discrimination using the online
platform Lookit. In symposium: Infants’ learning about object properties
and categories in diverse environments. Symposium conducted at the biennial
meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Virtual).

Casey, K., Scott, K., Ashton, K., Gill, J., Simpson, E., and Bayet, L.
(2021, April). Neonatal imitation of caregivers at home: Pre-registered
analyses. Poster at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development (Virtual).

Cassamajor, K., Chu, J., Scott, K., and Schulz, L. (2021, April). A
large-scale study of infant intuitive physics. Poster at the biennial
meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (Virtual).

Chalik (2021, April). Moral behavior within and across social groups. In
symposium: The role of social relationships in shaping children’s
socio-moral reasoning. Symposium to be conducted at the biennial meeting of
the Society for Research in Child Development (Virtual).
A more comprehensive list of research that has come out of Lookit can be
found here
Note that if your work is not represented here and you want it to be
listed, please fill out the following google form
<https://forms.gle/XaHM6CHYAjGotb4V9>or edit the Github documentation

Best wishes!

*Aaron G. Beckner*
PhD Candidate
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Department of Psychology
Center for Mind and Brain
University of California, Davis
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