[Leonardo/ISAST Network] PhD or not to PhD?: March discussion on YASMIN

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Mon Mar 3 19:16:16 EST 2008

Announcing: PHD OR NOT TO PHD?
A discussion on the YASMIN list
March 3--14, 2008
To join the discussion register at: http://www.media.uoa.gr/yasmin

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Oguzhan Ozcan, Director of PhD in Art and 
Design at Istanbul Yildiz Technical University 
(http://oguzhan.ozcan.info) and YASMIN corresponding editor.

Respondents will include: Ken Friedman, Kristina Niedderer, Deirdre 
Barron, Chris Rust, John Zimmerman, Basak Senova. All interested persons 
are invited to participate.

Dates: March 3--14, 2008

"To PhD or not to PhD?: How to improve research based art practice"

Like scientists, artists are engaged in research activities. However 
research is carried out in different ways when comparing artists to 
scientists. During the last 20 years, a number of academic institutions 
have created PhDs in Art as well as a Practice Based Research Degrees. 
For a thorough report on this question, please refer to the one written 
by Professor Stuart Lain, University of Brighton available at: 


We would like to invite Yasminers to discuss the broader question of how 
research education in art should be designed today. 
Respondents will include:

Prof. Dr. Ken Friedman, Swinburne University of Technology
Dr. Kristina Niedderer 
Dr. Deirdre Barron, Swinburne University Faculty of Design
Prof. Dr. Chris Rust at Sheffield-Hallam University
Dr. John Zimmerman, School of Design Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Basak Senova, School of Communication, Kadir Has University

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info
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