[Leonardo/ISAST Network] The Legacy of Leonardo: Celebrating 40 Years

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Fri Nov 2 15:09:04 EDT 2007

The Legacy of Leonardo: Celebrating 40 Years

When Leonardo was founded in 1968, there were no other publications like 
it anywhere in the world -- publications that worked to bridge the 
ever-widening gap between art and science with as much academic rigor as 
other research journals. Over the past 40 years Leonardo has grown into 
an international organization, serving as *the* essential resource for 
those working in the fields of art and science, thanks to the vision of 
artist and scientist Frank Malina.

To help us celebrate this occasion, we are asking you, as a valued 
member of our community, to make a donation -- not only in honor of our 
long history, but also to help ensure 40 more years of groundbreaking 
work in the arts, sciences and technology.

To make a secure donation through PayPal, visit our donations web page 
at http://leonardo.info/isast/donations.html

We also accept Visa and Mastercard donations via fax (fax to 
415-391-2385 -- please include email address to allow us to confirm 
transaction), and we accept checks in the mail (make check out to 
Leonardo/ISAST, 211 Sutter Street, Suite 501, San Francisco, CA 94108, 

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S.

To learn more about our 40th Anniversary activities (and to find out 
how/when/where you can join the celebration), please visit 
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