[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Leonardo "Lovely Weather" Call for Submissions: Art & Climate

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Mon Oct 1 18:52:13 EDT 2007


Leonardo Art & Climate project: 

The Leonardo Lovely Weather Art and Climate Project and Leonardo 
Publications are inviting papers, special issue proposals and book 
proposals that deal with artistic approaches to weather, climate and 
their modifications.

As a result of massive urbanization and the development of the modern 
lifestyle, it has been possible to observe a deterioration of 
sensitivity to meteorology and climate. The existence of weather and 
climate is similar to that of landscape which does not exist in nature 
without the mind to perceive it as such. The perception of weather and 
climate, as well as that of landscape is the perception of an 
arrangement, a configuration of the real. Weather and climate are thus 
multidimensional phenomenons that include the combined contributions of 
nature, culture, history and geography, but also the imaginary and the 
symbolic. Art could help us to question our perceptions and 
relationships to weather, climate and their changes.  

Leonardo/ /seeks to document the works of artists, researchers, and 
scholars involved in the exploration of weather and climate, and is 
soliciting texts for /Leonardo/, /Leonardo Transactions/, special issue 
proposals for the /Leonardo Electronic Almanac /and book proposals for 
the /Leonardo Book Series/. 


The following sub-themes have been defined (not restrictive):

-     *Environments*: weather and climate works enabling new experiences 
of environments

-     *Meteorological and climate sciences*: artworks questioning and 
linking to these sciences

-      *Weather and climate technologies:* artworks questioning and 
linking to these technologies

-      *Social and political action*: weather and climate works which 
may spur new thinking for action on environments

-      *Sustainability*:* *artworks engaged in alternative energy 
resources or climate memories for example

-      *Weather and climate perceptions and/or narratives*: poetical 
and/or political perceptions; narratives of weather and climate phenomena

The "Lovely Weather" Editorial group on Art & Climate is: John 
Cunningham, Annick Bureaud, Ramon Guardans, Drew Hemment, Julien 
Knebusch (coordinator), Roger Malina, Jacques Mandelbrojt, Andrea Polli 
and Janine Randerson.

A discussion on the topic, moderated by Janine Randerson is being held 
on the YASMIN network:  http://www.media.uoa.gr/yasmin

*A*uthor instructions are available online:

http://leonardo.info/isast/journal/editorial/edguides.html (Roger 
Malina, Executive Editor)

/Leonardo Transactions/:
http://www.leonardo-transactions.com/ (Ernest Edmonds, Editor-in-Chief)

/Leonardo Electronic Almanac/:
http://leoalmanac.org/cfp/calls.asp  (Nisar Keshvani, Editor-in-Chief)

/Leonardo Book Series/:
http://leonardo.info/isast/leobooks/guidelines.html (Sean Cubitt, 

Art & Climate Leonardo project: 

General Inquiries should be sent to Julien Knebusch 
at: leonardolovelyweather at gmail.com

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info

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