[Leonardo/ISAST Network] NEW in the online series "Les Basiques" of Leonardo/Olats

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Thu May 17 19:23:32 EDT 2007

Digital Literature)
Les Basiques is an online book series that deals, as its name indicates, 
with the "basics" on a specific topic or theme related to art and 
We are proud to launch today the second volume in the series: "Les 
Basiques: La littérature numérique" (The Basics: Digital Literature) by 
Philippe Bootz.
The history of the relations between literature, poetry and computers 
date to 50 years ago. First considered as a scandal, then as an 
avant-garde adventure, digital literature has now become common ground 
as a new form of expression and has produced singular works and genres;
Digital literature encompasses different approaches that belong 
sometimes to antagonistic conceptions. It forms a whole domain spread in 
many cultures. This "Basics" is an exploration into this territory: its 
history, links to sometimes very old traditions in literature, its 
different trends and genres, its current developments and a precise 
analysis of its structures in France as well as abroad (United States of 
America, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Europe, etc.).
With 127 images, 135 presented works and numerous links to the works, 
artists/authors, web sites and other resource sites, this Basics offers 
a panorama of a vivid, dynamic and innovative literature.
The author, Philippe Bootz has been creating digital poetry since 1978. 
He is the co-founder of two of the French collectives: L.A.I.R.E. in 
1988 and Tansitoire Observable in 2003. He is co-founder and publisher 
of the journal alire, the oldest journal of digital poetry. He teaches 
at the University of Paris VIII and is a member of the research 
laboratory Paragraphe in this University.

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info

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