[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Announcing the YASMIN discussion on Technology and Woman's Liberation around the Mediterranean Region

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Tue May 8 16:15:58 EDT 2007

Leonardo, a co-sponsor of YASMIN, invites you to participate in the 
discussion on:
Technology and Woman's Liberation around the Mediterranean Region, 
moderated by Nina Czegledy and Ana Peraica

The discussion will concentrate on how women were/are emancipating using 
means of technology. Central issues would therefore cover: media 
de/materialization in the sense of hardware (hardware industries 
maintained mostly by woman, as Pravetz), but also in terms of software 
production (of non-authorial logics; ie: modal, plural and fuzzy usually 
described as "feminine") and try to search for the relationship of 
woman's liberation movements and technology developments. Is it only 
about synchronicity or indeed are there more intrinsic relationships? 
Starting point will be Martha Rosler's interview regarding video art
and feminism.

Invited: Marina Grz(inic', Sanja Ivekovic', Marisa Riskova, Katarina Sevic

YASMIN is a moderated discussion list for art-science-technology 
interactions around the Mediterranean Region

Individuals who wish to participate, should subscribe to YASMIN

For previous discussion on this topic, see the Leonardo book: /Women Art 
and Technology/, by Judy Malloy 

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info
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