[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Leonardo Co-Sponsors YASMIN Network around Mediterranean Region

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Fri Feb 16 13:50:06 EST 2007

Leonardo Co-Sponsors YASMIN Network around Mediterranean Region

We would like to bring to your attention the growing YASMIN network 
hosted by the University of Athens. YASMIN (Your Art Science 
Mediterranean International Network) is a collaborative project of an 
informal consortium around the Mediterranean Region that promotes 
collaboration between art, science and technology. Over 800 individuals 
are currently in the network. An on line map that shows the location of 
some members of the network is available at: 
http://haystack.cerado.com/yasmin* *

Current YASMIN discussion topics include:

- Nanotechnology and the Arts
- Artists and Climate Change
- Artists and Scientists in Times of War
- Arts and Space Exploration
- Exhibiting Bio Art
- Art Science Technology Education

The official language of the YASMIN list is English. However posts in 
the other languages mastered by the moderators are allowed as long as a 
summary of the post in English is provided. Those languages are 
currently: Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, French, Greek, Arabic, 
Hebrew and Turkish.

New subscribers are invited to join the list at: 

NOTE: You must first REGISTER on YASMIN and then in a second step 
SUBSCRIBE if you wish to receive YASMIN information by email.

The list is currently moderated by the following team: Pau Alsina, Neora 
Berger, Dimitris Charitos, Nina Czegledy, Ahmed Hassounna, Julien 
Knebusch and Ricardo Mbarak. They form the "YASMIN Group" together with 
Roger Malina, Jaco Du Toit, Annick Bureaud and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos.

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info

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