[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Please update your links to the Leonardo and Leonardo Electronic Almanac websites

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Thu Nov 30 20:05:50 EST 2006

Dear Leonardo Community Member,

As you may already know, the Leonardo and Leonardo Electronic Almanac 
websites have been migrated to new servers. Any links to our previous 
web addresses will result in a "File not found" error message. Please 
make sure to update your links to the Leonardo and Leonardo Electronic 
Almanac websites so that search engines and interested web browsers 
can continue to find us on-line.

Leonardo: http://www.leonardo.info
Leonardo Electronic Almanac: http://leoalmanac.org

If you have not visited us in a while, we encourage you to do so. You 
will find news about current publications and projects, calls for 
proposals and announcements about recent and upcoming activities 
including those in the works for Leonardo’s 40th anniversary.

Yours truly,
Kathleen Quillian
Communications Associate

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