[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Arts Catalyst Releases Report to ESA for Cultural Policy for International Space Station

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Fri Oct 13 14:26:55 EDT 2006

We are pleased to announce that the ArtsCatalyst Report to the 
European Space Agency for a Cultural Policy for the International 
Space Station has been made public.

Leonardo/OLATS was an organizational member of the study team and 
endorses the recommendations of the report.

The Arts Catalyst's Report to the European Space Agency

In 2005, the European Space Agency (ESA) awarded The Arts Catalyst in 
London a contract to carry out a study into possible future cultural 
utilization of the International Space Station.

The study set out to investigate and focus the interest of the 
cultural world in the International Space Station, to generate a 
policy for involving cultural users in the International Space Station 
program in the longer term and to develop a representative set of 
ready-to-implement demonstrator projects in arts, culture and media. 
Under the lead of the Arts Catalyst (GB), the study team also 
comprises Association Leonardo/OLATS (F) and Delta Utec (NL), with the 
MIR network.

Study Update - 5 October 2006

The Arts Catalyst submitted its report to the European Space Agency in 
early 2006. It is still to be approved by ESA, however permission has 
been given to makes its contents public.

Read the report: http://www.artscatalyst.org/projects/space/ISS.html

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are 
tax-deductible in the U.S. To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's 
projects, programs and activities, visit http://leonardo.info

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