[Leonardo/ISAST Network] 40 years in the forefront of art, science and technology

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Thu Oct 5 13:53:41 EDT 2006

Leonardo has existed for 40 years on the generosity of a few  
dedicated individuals, and we are very grateful for our loyal  
friends!  But now, Leonardo/ISAST is at a critical juncture.  In  
order to continue and expand our programs and activities in support  
of the work of artists, scientists engineers and researchers, we need  
to expand our group of dedicated contributors – many fold.

Leonardo’s long-term stability requires ongoing annual support. And  
so – after 40 years – we are launching a focused individual donor  
effort.  We hope that you’ll join us by making a donation to Leonardo/ 
ISAST today.

To make a secure donation through Paypal, visit our donations web  
page at

We also accept Visa or Mastercard donations via fax (fax  
415-391-2385), or you can mail in your check made out to Leonardo/ 
ISAST, 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, CA 94133, U.S.A.

Our programs, activities and publications – including the Leonardo  
Awards Program, the Leonardo Scientists Working Group and the  
Leonardo Education Forum, as well as our flagship publications  
Leonardo, Leonardo Music Journal, Leonardo Electronic Almanac and the  
Leonardo Book Series – are made possible through the generosity of  
supporters like you. Please be generous today!

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax- 
deductible in the U.S.
To learn more about Leonardo/ISAST's projects, programs and  
activities, visit http://leonardo.info
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