[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Tap Into the History and the Future of the Leonardo Network

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Thu May 11 20:53:35 EDT 2006

Dear Leonardo illuminati,

We invite you to join the Leonardo community in celebrating its 40th 
anniversary with an annual membership in Leonardo/the International 
Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST).

Since 1968, Leonardo has documented the work of artists who work outside 
of the traditional fields of art, science and technology. When the 
non-profit organization the International Society for the Arts, Sciences 
and Technology (ISAST) was formed in 1982 to further the mission of the 
journal, Leonardo grew into an expanded network of artists, educators, 
scientists and researchers with the common goal of sharing ideas and 
projects through dialogue with other members of this multi-faceted 
community. We are pleased to now be able to offer our members access to 
thousands of articles which have been published in Leonardo since 1968 
in the Leonardo archives available on JSTOR. Here you will find articles 
by a range of artists including Leonardo founder Frank Malina, Roy 
Ascott, Rudolf Arnheim, Eduardo Kac, Lynn Hershman, Bill Viola, Pauline 
Oliveros and many others who have documented their work and ideas in the 
pages of Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal.

Becoming a member is easy! By subscribing to one of our publications you 
become a member of Leonardo/ISAST.

There are several options for you to choose from:

* Supporting membership - $77 (annual subscription to Leonardo/Leonardo 
Music Journal, Leonardo Electronic Almanac + benefits)

* Student/retired membership - $48 (annual subscription to 
Leonardo/Leonardo Music Journal, Leonardo Electronic Almanac + benefits)

* Music membership - $32 (annual subscription to Leonardo Music Journal, 
Leonardo Electronic Almanac + benefits)

Your Leonardo/ISAST membership provides access to a wide range of 
benefits, including access to the Leonardo archives (for an additional 
$25 registration fee), an annual listing in the Leonardo Electronic 
Directory (available on Leonardo On-Line); 20% off all titles in the 
Leonardo Book Series (published by MIT Press); the right to nominate 
artists for the Leonardo Awards Program; and invitations to join us at 
upcoming conferences and symposia such as the prestigious College Art 
Association annual conference and the Pacific Rim New Media Summit 
(pre-conference to ISEA 2006), which will be held this August in San 
Jose, CA.

Start your subscription and membership benefits today by visiting our 
website: http://leonardo.info/members.html or contacting our publisher 
MIT Press directly: journals-orders at mit.edu; (617) 253-2889.

Pamela Grant-Ryan
Managing Editor, Leonardo

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