[Leonardo/ISAST Network] REMINDER: LEONARDO @ SIGGRAPH 2005 (Aug 2-3, 2005)

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Tue Jul 26 15:28:28 EDT 2005

Dear Leonardo Network Member:

See below for an announcement of a forthcoming LEONARDO at SIGGRAPH Town
Hall Meeting to take place at SIGGRAPH 2005 this summer in Los Angeles. If
you will be attending this year's SIGGRAPH conference, please plan on
joining us for this Leonardo event, Wednesday Aug. 3 in the Meeting Room
(auditorium) of the International Center (LACC South Lobby), International

Leonardo Network members attending SIGGRAPH 2005 may also be interested in a
public presentation at SIGGRAPH introducing the 2006 Pacific Rim New Media
Summit (an event that will take place as a pre-symposium event to ISEA 2006
in San Jose, CA). The Pacific Rim Summit preview will take place on Tuesday
Aug. 2, 2005, 1-4 p.m., also in the Meeting Room of the International
Center. For more information about the Pacific Rim New Media Summit:

If you will be attending this year's SIGGRAPH conference, we hope to see you
at the LEONARDO at SIGGRAPH Town Hall Meeting. Please let us know if you
plan to attend:  pgr at leonardo.info.

Pamela Grant-Ryan
Managing Editor, Leonardo


JOIN US FOR DINNER ON AUGUST 2nd!: For those who will be attending SIGGRAPH
2005, you are cordially invited to a buffet dinner at Sheila Pinkel's house
on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 7pm. If you would like to attend the dinner, please send
an email to: isast at leonardo.info and details will be sent to you.


When:  Wednesday August 3, 2005, 4-6 p.m. 
Where:  Meeting Room (auditorium) of the International Center (Los Angeles
Convention Center South Lobby), SIGGRAPH 2005 Conference.

We invite all members of the Leonardo organizations and all those interested
in the intersection of the arts, sciences and technology to join us for an
open meeting to discuss current Leonardo projects and future directions.
This is an open meeting to anyone interested in meeting with members of
Leonardo Boards, Committees and Projects.

We will also announce the awarding of the 2005 Frank J. Malina--Leonardo
Lifetime Achievement Award to pioneering Brazilian artist Abraham Palatnik.
Beginning in the 1940s, Palatnik played a key role in the Brazilian art
scene by bringing to pictorial art the potential of light and motion in time
and space. Since that time, Palatnik has continued to explore the fusion of
art, science and technology in creative ways and is still actively working
on the conception and production of new art forms:

For more information on Leonardo: http://www.leonardo.info

---Roger Malina, Leonardo/ISAST Chair
---Pamela Grant-Ryan, Leonardo Managing Editor

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