[Leonardo/ISAST Network] 9th Space Arts Workshop and Symposium

isast@leonardo.info isast at leonardo.info
Tue Dec 14 19:42:50 EST 2004

9th Leonardo/Olats Space and the Arts Workshop, 
Chateau d'Yverdon, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 
19-21 May 2005

Call for Participation
"Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts" is the theme of the 9th
workshop and symposium on space and the arts, co-organized by the O.U.R.S.
Foundation, Leonardo/Olats, Maison d'Ailleurs and the International Academy
of Astronautics (IAA) and its Commission VI".

The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2005. 

Following acceptance a complete paper will be required and the author(s)
will be invited to register for the event. 

28 February 2005 - Deadline for abstracts 
31 March 2005 - Notification of acceptance 
20 April 2005 - Preliminary programme 
7 May 2005 - Deadline for papers 
19-21 May 2005 - Workshop & Symposium 

Workshop & Symposium Topics 
Presentations can be about any aspect or issue related to "Space: Planetary
Consciousness and the Arts". Since the scope of the Workshop is large,
potential authors might like to consider submitting abstracts for papers
addressing such topics as:

- the impact of space exploration on the arts and vice versa
- the impact of space science on the environmental consciousness
- the role of arts in expressing planetary consciousness
- the ethical aspects of space exploration and planetary responsibility
- the impact of space exploration on philosophy and vice versa
- synergies between the arts, environmental and space communities 
- the interaction between space, arts and the public 
- using the arts to explore and comprehend space 

Authors need not, of course, limit themselves to these topics. 

Programme Committee 
Arthur Woods (OURS Foundation)
Annick Bureaud (Leonardo/Olats) 
Roger Malina (International Academy of Astronautics) 
David Raitt (ESA)
Patrick Gyger, (Maison d'Ailleurs)

VISIT http://leonardo.info and click on "WHAT'S NEW" for more details on the
workshop and symposium.

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