[LCM Events] Bustani Seminar Series, Nov. 17 (Melani Cammett)

Dain P Goding dain at mit.edu
Mon Nov 16 16:58:15 EST 2015


The Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar invites you to a lecture on the topic of:

Sectarianism and the Quality of Social Welfare in Lebanon

Prof. Melani Cammett
Department of Government
Harvard University

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015
4:30pm - 6:00pm
E51-345  <———————————— (NEW ROOM LOCATION)
(event listing <https://events.mit.edu/edit/event_ed.do>)

Melani Cammett is Professor of Government at Harvard University. She specializes in the political economy of development and the Middle East and North Africa and is the author of four books: A Political Economy of the Middle East (with Ishac Diwan, Alan Richards, and John Waterbury, 2015); Compassionate Communalism: Welfare and Sectarianism in Lebanon (2014), which won the 2015 APSA Giovanni Sartori Book Award and the Honorable Mention of the 2015 APSA Gregory Luebbert Book Award; The Politics of Nonstate Welfare (coedited with Lauren Morris MacLean, 2014); and Globalization and Business Politics in North Africa: A Comparative Perspective (2007, 2010). She has received fellowships and awards from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Qualitative and Multi-Methods Research Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA), the Comparative Politics Section of the APSA, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, the Social Science Research Council, and other organizations, has published numerous articles in scholarly and policy journals, and consults for development policy organizations. Her current research focuses on the politics of welfare and development and she has a variety of ongoing projects on governance and the delivery of social services by public, private and nonstate actors in the Middle East and North Africa. 

The Bustani Seminar series celebrates its 30th anniversary this year!
Information on the Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar
 <http://web.mit.edu/cis/bustani/index.htm>Information on the Fall 2015 <http://web.mit.edu/cis/bustani/bustani2015fall.htm> Bustani Seminar lectures 

For more information or any questions, contact
Dain Goding: 617-252-1888  |  dain at mit.edu <mailto:dain at mit.edu>
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