[LCM Events] Lebanon Mountain Trail Through-Hike - Testimony by Lisa Robbins - Boston on Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at mit.edu
Mon Oct 6 14:55:17 EDT 2014


On Monday, 6 October 2014, 18:20, AFLMT <info at aflmt.org> wrote:

Last April, Lisa Robbins, a Lebanese American, traveled from New England to Lebanon to take part in the sixth annual through-walk of the Lebanon Mountain Trail!  Lisa will tell her story of walking the (30 294-mile (470 km) LMT, and proudly discovering the land of her grandparents and its people, at a slideshow & potluck organized by the Boston Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Can you please circulate this open invitation to the event to current MIT students and their families and friends, and through them or directly to Lebanese students at other universities in the Greater Boston area?

The event has been posted on the following two links:


Plus the Facebook Page of the American Friends of the LMT:


Thank you for your help in spreading the word about the LMT and the American Friends of the LMT,

Joseph Karam, President
American Friends of the LMT │www.aflmt.org
1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1220 │Arlington, VA 22209-2594
Phone: +1 703 841 1883 │Fax: +1 703 841 1885
Skype: joseph_ecodit

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