Jad El-Khoury jadelkhoury1 at gmail.com
Tue May 20 15:36:57 EDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Alexandre Guion" <aguion at mit.edu>
Date: May 20, 2014 3:31 PM
To: "Jad El-Khoury" <jadelkhoury1 at gmail.com>
Cc: <sp1n at mit.edu>, <gsc-cruise at mit.edu>, <lebanon-exec at mit.edu>

Dear Jad,

Could you please help us get this email out to the Lebanese community as
soon as possible?

The text is ready to be copy/pasted below,

Thanks a lot !


Dear All,

Don't miss your opportunity to celebrate the end of the academic school
year this Friday !!

Get you Cruise tickets now at: gsc.mit.edu/cruise (MIT Web Certificate

• Free Pizza
• Multiple Dancefloors
• Chill-out area with photobooth and Tim (the beaver)!

Bring your lab, classmates, and +1,

We hope to see you all there !!

The GSC Presidential Cruise

On May 16, 2014, at 10:44 AM, Alexandre Guion <aguion at mit.edu> wrote:

Dear Lebanese friends,

I’m contacting you on behalf of French at MIT and the GSC Presidential Cruise

Would you be interested in contributing to the GSC Presidential Cruise

If yes we could do two things together:

1- email out all your members with a reminder of Cruise details — we need
to sell the remaining tickets ;)
2- recruit a few volunteers. We need to extend the team on the day of the
event to get the boat ready to welcome the 1,000 grads with music setups
and decorations.

FYI, our French-speaking group members (100+ people) are reachable through
francophone-membres at mit.edu, and is moderated by <francophone-bureau at mit.edu>,
the exec board.

The cruise team email is gsc-cruise at mit.edu.

Both are in CC,

I look forward to reading you very soon,

*—— *
*Alexandre Guion*
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology*
Nuclear Science and Engineering | Ph.D Candidate
[aguion at mit.edu] [www.linkedin.com/in/aguion]

On May 16, 2014, at 4:34 PM, Jad El-Khoury <jadelkhoury1 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi alex,

Email out to lebanon-exec at mit.edu

We have a new exec board, they d be more than willing to help out.

On May 16, 2014 9:47 AM, "Alexandre Guion" <aguion at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hey Friends,
> I hope you’re all doing great !!!
> Could you please let me know how to contact your respective international
> groups, Spanish, Lebanese, Greeks, Russian, etc @MIT?
> Feel free to share all of those you know, it would really help us sell the
> remaining tickets to the GSC Cruise and continue doing it next year !!
> Thanks a ton for your help !!
> Alex
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