[LCM Events] FW: Please send this information to your lists -

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 21 16:45:32 EDT 2013


From: Heidy M Gonzalez <heidy at mit.edu<mailto:heidy at mit.edu>>
Date: Friday, October 18, 2013 12:40 PM
To: Farah Machlab <fmachlab at mit.edu<mailto:fmachlab at mit.edu>>
Subject: Please send this information to your lists -

Hello Farah,

WGS is hosting Saba Mahmood on 11/12/13. Please forward the invite to your lists.

Best regards,

The MIT Program in Women's and Gender Studies presents the Fall 2013 McMillan-Stewart lecture…

Secularism, Sexuality, and Sectarian Conflict
with Professor Saba Mahmood

Tuesday - November 12, 2013
BLDG [ 3-133 ]

The relegation of religion and sexual reproduction to the private sphere is widely regarded as a key feature of modern secular societies.  While postcolonial states of South Asia and the Middle East are heir to this arrangement, they are also distinct in that they retain religious laws for the regulation of family affairs.  As a result, both minority and majority religious communities of these polities continue to exert a fair degree of juridical autonomy over family affairs.  Prof. Mahmood’s talk tries to rethink the classical debate around “family law” and “minority rights” by parsing out how the modern secular political order has produced a unique and noxious cathexis between religion, sexuality and gender.

Saba Mahmood is associate professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject, which received the 2005 Victoria Schuck award from the American Association of Political Science. Professor Mahmood’s work focuses on the interchange between religious and secular politics in postcolonial societies with special attention to issues of embodiment, cultural hermeneutics, law, and gender/sexuality.  Her work is best known for its interrogation of liberal assumptions about the proper boundary between ethics and politics, freedom and unfreedom, the religious and the secular, and agency and submission.

She is the recipient of a number of fellowships, most recently:  the American Academy in Berlin (Spring 2013); Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford (2009-10); the Frederick Burkhardt Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (2009-10); and the Carnegie Scholars award (2008-09).

This event is free and open to the public.

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