[LCM Events] Lebanese Collegiate Mixer Event

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 15 10:51:07 EST 2013

Hi All,

Please join us for the first Boston-Wide Lebanese Collegiate Mixer event ever. This event is co-sponsored by the Harvard College Lebanese Club, the Lebanese Club at MIT, BU Lebanese Club, and the Lebanese Collegiate Network.

The event is tomorrow at 7pm in Harvard, if you are interested in going please sign up at the link below so that we can see how many are interested and possibly organize a trip for us to go there together.


[Inline image 1]

The event is free of charge. The event will also feature a short presentation by the LCN about the Lebanese Collegiate Network Annual Conference that will be held at Harvard on April 5th 2014.

Please check the Facebook Event and feel free to invite Lebanese students that you know in Boston: https://www.facebook.com/events/258869090930516/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

Hope to see you there!

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