[LCM Events] Reminder: LCM End of Year BBQ Today @ 12pm

Nadim Walid Chakroun nwc at MIT.EDU
Sun May 12 12:02:19 EDT 2013

Hello all!

The Lebanese Club at MIT cordially invites you to join us on Sunday, May 12 for our annual End of the Year BBQ. The weather is finally starting to get warm :) What better way to take advantage of the sun than with a BBQ!

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Sidney Pacific Courtyard
Cost: FREE!
Address: 70 Pacific Street, Cambridge MA 02139
http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=NW86&Buildings=go (map)

Come join us for some great food, company, music, and fun before finals start!

See you on Sunday!

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