[LCM Events] Join us at 2nd Annual EgyptNEGMA conference at MIT Media Lab, March 23-24.

EgyptNegma Negma egyptnegma at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 21:11:04 EST 2013

[Please spread the word around and forward to appropriate mailing lists,
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Dear friends, family, and colleagues,

The *2nd Annual NEGMA Conference* is coming up so* REGISTER today*!



The NEGMA conference seeks to promote sustainable development and social
entrepreneurship in Egypt. *10 Amazing Projects* *will compete* at the *Impact
Egypt! Competition*<http://egyptnegma.org/list/lt.php?id=cU8DCAJQCEwBBUUAAg%3D%3D>
*.* Professionals and students are welcome to attend what promises to be an
exciting 2-day event of workshops, panels, networking, and good old fashion

*Where*: *MIT Media

*When*: *March 23-24, 2012*

*Keynote Speakers*: *Mohammad El-Sawy **and** **Dr Farouk

*Gala Performers: Ahmed El Haggar, Ana Masry Foundation and Tarab

*Finalists:  *10 Amazing projects competiting. Learn more about them here:

To learn more and to *Register for the conference* visit: http://www.****

Support us: http://www.egyptnegma.org/****support<http://egyptnegma.org/list/lt.php?id=cU8DCAJTAkwBBUUAAg%3D%3D>

Follow us on twitter:

Facebook: *http://www.facebook.com/EgyptNegma<http://egyptnegma.org/list/lt.php?id=cU8DCAJTBEwBBUUAAg%3D%3D>
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