[LCM Events] Comedian Dean Obeidallah in New Show Locally - October 7

ELAINE HAGOPIAN echagop at verizon.net
Sat Sep 15 11:37:18 EDT 2012




Award Winning stand up comedian Dean Obeidallah comes to The Regent Theater
for one show on

 Sunday, October 7 joined by Arab-American YouTube comedy star "Go Remy"



Dean Obeidallah brings his show "Dean Obeidallah for Vice President" to the
Boston area which comically tackles everything from the presidential
election to Islamaphobia to pop culture.


The San Francisco Weekly wrote: "Dean Obeidallah is a gruff-voiced,
shoot-from-the-hip New Yorker...fresh and clever."


The Washington Post called Dean: "an angsty Arab Chris Rock."  


Promo trailer for the tour:  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt3UDpaA-rI>


Dean Obeidallah has appeared on numerous US and international TV shows
including Comedy Central's "Axis of Evil" special, ABC's "The View," "Comics
Unleashed," NBC's "Rock Center," MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes," Current TV's
"The Young Turks," and can be seen weekly on CNN offering comedic commentary
on political and topical issues. He also writes weekly opinion articles for
CNN.com. ( <http://www.deanofcomedy.com/> www.deanofcomedy.com)


He is co-director/co-star of the soon to be released documentary "The
Muslims Are Coming!" which also features The Daily Show's Jon Stewart,
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, comedians Lewis Black, David Cross, Maz Jobrani,
Janeane Garofalo, Colin Quinn and more. Official Trailer:


Special guests for the show: 


"Go Remy" - the Arab-American YouTube comedy star who has toured the US and
made such famed comedy music videos as "Hey There Khalilah," "Saudis in
Audis," and ""The Tabbouleh Song" which as been viewed over 1 million times:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaNzrtu0KM. His latest EP, "The Falafel
Album," is available now on Comedy Central Records.


Raj Sivaraman - Raj uses his unique perspective to highlight the quirks of
American imperialism, objectivist philosophy, the theory of evolution, and
why Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes are the best. Raj has performed with
noted comedians such as Gary Gulman, Eddie Brill, Shane Mauss, and Myq
Kaplan. He also asked out Kate Middleton on a date, and she no-showed. But
he's too proud to take her back now.


Show Details:
Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 7:30 PM


The Regent Theater

7 Medford Street, Arlington, MA


http://www.regenttheatre.com/details/dean_obeidallah_for_vice_president or
call 781- 646-4849


Tickets: $20

$15 for student upon showing valid student ID at box office


On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:06 PM, ELAINE HAGOPIAN <echagop at verizon.net>



That's great.  I will circulate your information once you send it to me.  I
will plan to attend but prefer to pay my way - my way of supporting your
efforts.  Depending on family matters - I have a sister with complicated
heart problems and more, and her daughter with breast cancer.  I am their
emotional support and driver to get to medical appointmentss as well as for
practical things.  So I'm never quite sure what life will be like on any
day.  But I am excited about your show.


Best, Elaine


From: Dean Obeidallah [mailto:dean.obeidallah at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 5:47 PM
Subject: Comedy show in Boston


Elaine- Hope ur well! Im not sure if I mentioned this but Sunday OCt 7 Im
doing a show as part of my new tour "Dean Obeidallah for Vice President" in
Boston area at the Regent Theater in Arlington - 

If I send you info about the show, any chance you can help me let people
know about it. Im self producing the show so I have to get the word out

If you can attend Ill put you and a friend on the guest list

Please let me know


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